Ask HN: What have you created that deserves a second chance on HN?

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
  • notabase

    A second brain for your knowledge, thoughts, and ideas.

  • - a note-taking app for networked thinking.

    It supports page stacking, linked references, block references, a graph view, and all that good stuff. Think of it as similar to Roam Research / Obsidian.

    It's also open source so you can self-host it. Here's the code:

    I'm hoping to add support for shareable links soon. Open to other ideas or feedback!

  • subtls

    A proof-of-concept TypeScript TLS 1.3 client

  • An annotated live TLS 1.3 connection, via a proof-of-concept pure TypeScript (SubtleCrypto) TLS 1.3 client. and

  • InfluxDB

    Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale. Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.

    InfluxDB logo
  • codebase-visualizer-action

    Visualize your codebase during CI.

  • - codebase visualisation tool

    It takes your git repo and generates a beautiful visual representation of the actual code that's in it. Sort of an alternative navigation tool (in addition to IDEs) for large codebases. You can run codeatlas as part of your CI with our Github Action (

    We made this because grokking complex software projects is really difficult and we've found that a visual overview of what's in a codebase can be quite helpful to get started.

    E.g. checkout for the generated visualisation of the Kubernetes Github repo!

    We slowed down active development after our initial attempts at dissemination didn't really go anywhere (bragging about side projects on the internet, ugh), but would still love feedback on whether this is possibly useful to anyone else!

    Note: The site works somewhat on mobile, but is much better on desktop!

  • reddit-playlists


    I made a bot last summer to generate and update weekly Spotify playlists from 100 or so music subreddits based on the top submissions of that week. Update operates entirely through a GitHub action so no resource spending.

    I don’t often finish my side projects so was pretty happy to have something finally usable and shareable, it’s been fun showing friends!

  • idiomorph

    A DOM-merging algorithm

  • idiomorph:

    it's an updated take on the DOM morphing algorithm of morphdom, and it uses what i call "ID sets" to allow the morphing algorithm to "see" children in the DOM when making morphing decisions in the parents, which means you don't need to annotate the DOM with as many ids

    here is a demo showing how it outperforms morphdom when ids are sparse/deep:

  • dotfile

    Simple version control made for tracking single files


    No JS, and easy to self host. It’s a place to put your dotfiles. It comes with a ClI loosely based on git for editing, versioning, pushing, and pulling.

  • formkiq-core

    A full-featured Document Layer for your application, providing the functionality of a flexible document management system, including storage, discovery, processing, and retrieval. Deploys directly into your Amazon Web Services Cloud. 🌟 Star to support our work!


    An open source api-first document management system that deploys to AWS using serverless technologies. It comes with an API and a console, and supports webhooks for custom integration.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  • scheme-for-max

    Max/MSP external for scripting and live coding Max with s7 Scheme Lisp

  • I created Scheme for Max and Scheme for Pure Data. They are extensions to the Max/MSP, Ableton Live, and Pure Data computer music environments that embed an s7 Scheme interpreter in the host so that you can script, automate, and live code the hosts with s7, a Scheme from the CCRMA computer music center at Stanford and the same one used in the Snd editor and the Common Music 3 algorithmic composition environment. This allows you to do things like write algorithmic music tools, sequencers, and use the Ableton Live API in Scheme, including with Common Lisp style macros. It has an API for integrating with Max to share data structures, hook into the scheduler, run in the high priority thread, and so on. S4M allows you to do all the goodness of high level music programming in a Lisp, without losing the ability to use modern commercial tooling and instruments. It's my thesis project for a Masters in Music Technology with Andy Schloss and George Tzanetakis at the University of Victoria, and I plan to continue to a PhD working on it. I tried submitting twice, but it never made the page, which surprised me a bit given Lisp interest here.

    The github page is here:

    The youtube channel with various demos is here:

  • quart

    An async Python micro framework for building web applications.

  • I've three things :),

    1. Quart,, an ASGI (async/await) re-implementation of the Python web MicroFramework Flask. It is now maintained alongside, by the same people, as Flask.

    2. Hypercorn,, an ASGI/WSGI server that supports HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3.

    3. My book "A Blueprint for Production-Ready Web Applications", which uses both of the above and shows a beginner how to build a full stack app (React frontend) running on AWS. See for details, code, and link to the example app.

  • UrlChecker

    Android app by TrianguloY: URLCheck


    URLCheck, an Android app to analyze urls before opening them. With clear urls module, pattern checker module, and a few more.

    It got a few points (~30) when I posted the "it is now on f-droid" submission but that was it. I've been updating the app since too.

  • hckrweb

    Hcker News mobile web app

  • I tried sharing a couple of my web apps:

    - HN the way I want to read it:

    - Source code:

    - Weather forecast compared to last two days' weather:

  • ultra-weather

    UltraWeather gives user-friendly, actionable weather forecasts.

  • I tried sharing a couple of my web apps:

    - HN the way I want to read it:

    - Source code:

    - Weather forecast compared to last two days' weather:

  • exhibitor

    Snappy and delightful React component workshop

  • I was a bit deflated when my submission about fell through the HN floor-boards.

    Think Storybook but simpler, faster, better Typescript support, and uses esbuild by default.

    ...Is the aim. I'm the sole lead dev working on it at the moment up against the ~10-20 strong team who built most of Storybook, so it's a long road ahead, but it's growing into something I'm quite proud of and happy about.

  • rosettaboy

    A gameboy emulator in several different languages


    The same gameboy emulator rewritten in C++, Go, Nim, PHP, Cython, Python, Rust, and Zig (and WIP typescript); mostly to teach myself the languages and to compare and contrast their idioms.

    Also, when taken with a very large grain of salt, usable as a language benchmark (As with all benchmarks, there are lots of caveats - but as far as I’m aware this is unique in being “the same code in multiple languages” and “several thousand lines of code”):

      $ ./utils/

  • osxphotos

    Python app to work with pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata.


    A macOS command-line "multi-tool" for working with Apple Photos. Allows you to export photos (along with all the metadata), batch-edit metadata such as times and timezones, explore the AI metadata Apple computes for each photo (but doesn't make available to the user) such as "well timed shot", "pleasant composition", etc, compare libraries, sync metadata between libraries, and much more! It's written in python and provides a full python API for interacting with Photos.

  • crystal

    The Crystal Programming Language

  • Very cool! Are you open to other people contributing PRs to add other languages, or is this a learning project and prefer to do it yourself? (I'm considering adding Crystal

  • donutdns

    Block ads, trackers, and malicious sites with donutdns - simple alternative to pihole. Run as a docker container, standalone executable or core DNS plugin. Supply custom domain block/allow lists in addition to builtin lists maintained by the ad-blocking community.


    I wanted a no-nonsense single-binary alternative to pi-hole (based on CoreDNS).

    Been using this as my home DNS server for a year now without issue. Recently added support for reading a directory of block lists, so now it's easy to keep things organized in blocking sites with huge numbers of domains.

    Splink - a python library for probabilistic record linkage (fuzzy matching/entity resolution).

    Splink is dramatically faster and works on much larger datasets than other open source libraries. I'm particularly proud of the fact we support multiple execution backends (at the moment, DuckDb Spark Athena and Sqlite, but additional adaptors are relatively straightforward to write).

    We've had >4 million pypi downloads and it's used in government, academia and the private sector, often replacing extremely expensive proprietary solutions.

    More info in blog posts here:

  • sic1

    Single-instruction (subleq) programming game

  • My single-instruction (subleq) programming game:

    I really thought enough people liked esolangs and zachlikes, but it failed to get a single upvote, so never even made it to the “Show” page (well, not until like a week later, at which point it was buried anyway) :(

  • clp

    writes input files to stdout with syntax highlighting (by jpe90)

  • a fast alternative to bat for syntax highlighting in the command line (eg for fzf preview window)

  • pytkml

    Write tests for machine learning models

  • Code:

    I didn't explain it well; this is an area that's becoming increasingly important

  • Civet

    A TypeScript superset that favors more types and less typing

  • Civet: a new programming language that transpiles to TypeScript.

    Some have called it the ghost of CoffeeScript.

    I think it should do a lot better on HN now that it has a better website with tons of examples.

  • scrapingfish-blog-projects

    The repository containing Scraping Fish blog projects

  • This is definitely possible. I’m not sure if we’re going to have time for this as we’re occupied by work on Scraping Fish but we shared the code for scraping nutrition facts data from Walmart on github: Feel free to take it and build such app/website on top of it.

  • scipipe

    Robust, flexible and resource-efficient pipelines using Go and the commandline

  • - A pipeline tool for shell commands by a declarative flow-based API in Go

    Github link:

    There are many pipeline tools for shell commands, but a majority has one or more limitations in their API which makes certain complex pipelines impossible or really hard to write.

    We were pushing the limits of all the tools we tried, so developed our own, and implemented it in Go, with a declarative API for defining the data flow dependencies, instead of inventing yet another DSL. This has allowed us great flexibility in developing also complex pipelines, e.g. combining parameter sweeps nested with cross-validation implemented as workflow constructs.

    SciPipe is also unique in providing an audit report for every single output of the workflow, in a structured JSON format. A helper tool allows converting these reports to either an HTML report, a PDF, or a Bash script that will generate the one accompanying output file from scratch.

    An extra cool things is that, because the audit reports live alongside output files, if you run a scipipe workflow that uses files generated by another scipipe workflow, it will pick up also all the history for the input files generated by this earlier workflow, meaning that you get a 100% complete audit report, even if your analysis spans multiple workflows!

  • enu

    A Logo-like 3D environment, implemented in Nim

  • - Enu is a 3d live programming environment for experimenting, making games, and learning to code. Kind of a Logo meets Minecraft type thing. It's written in Nim (using the Godot game engine), and also uses interpreted Nim for the in-world scripting.

    I use it to teach kids to code. The released version is pretty rough and probably not fit for general consumption, but the next release (coming next month... I hope) is quite a lot better. is a demo making a simple survival game, and is a now very outdated demo building towers and other simple structures. Thanks!

  • customFilter

    A image editor that runs in the browser


    An image editor that lets you run custom filters and blend equations to an stack of images.

  • HackerNews-Alerts-Bot

    Telegram bot for all kinds of notifications from Hacker News

  • - telegram bot for keyword alerts from Hacker News (comments, stories or both)

  • canvas_ity

    A tiny, single-header <canvas>-like 2D rasterizer for C++


    This is an STB-style single-header C++ library with no dependencies beyond the standard C++ library. In about 2300 lines of 78-column code (not counting blanks or comments), or 1300 semicolons, it implements an API based on the basic W3C specification to draw 2D vector graphics into an image buffer:

    - Strokes and fills (with antialiasing and gamma-correct blending)

    - Linear and radial gradients

    - Patterns (with repeat modes and bi-cubic resampling)

    - Line caps and line joins (handling high curvature)

    - Dash patterns and dash offsets

    - Transforms

    - Lines, quadratic and cubic Beziers, arcs, and rectangles

    - Text (very basic, but does its own TTF font file parsing!)

    - Raster images (i.e., sprites)

    - Clipping (via masking)

    - Compositing modes (Porter-Duff)

    - Drop shadows with Gaussian blurs

    I also uncovered a number of interesting browser quirks along the way with the HTML5 port of my testing suite.

  • ipyflow

    A reactive Python kernel for Jupyter notebooks.


    IPyflow is a new Python kernel for JupyterLab that understands how variables and cells depend on each other, making it easier to reason about notebook state. It adds opt-in reactivity, so that pressing ctrl+shift+enter triggers execution of all cells that depend (recursively) on the current cell. Furthermore, with its `code` function, you can see exactly what code is needed to reproduce a given variable.

  • uchess

    ♛♔ Play chess against UCI engines in your terminal.

  • gram

    A no-dependency, terminal editor

  • firebuild

    Automatic build accelerator cache for Linux

  • : A caching build accelerator like ccache, but for any compiler or random script.

    There is a short intro:

    It did not get to the first page in the first round:

  • tripods-web

    A puzzle game.

  • metron

    A C++ to Verilog translation tool with some basic guarantees that your code will work. (by aappleby)

  • drummachine

  • jetson-nano-image

    Discontinued Create minimalist, Ubuntu based images for the Nvidia jetson boards [Moved to:]


    2- Open vision API

  • amagpt3

    Discontinued Ask Me Anything GPT-3

  • KaithemAutomation

    Pure Python, GUI-focused home automation/consumer grade SCADA

  • The only FOSS thing I've done that I think is really worth telling people about is KaithemAutomation, a home automation server in pure Python with a bit easier setup than Home Assistant, and some features aimed at commercial installs like room escape control, and some pretty decent network video recorder features.

    I put 6 years or so into it, and have used it on plenty of contract projects, but so far I don't think anyone else is interested.

    Possibly because it's largely UI and CRUD over existing functionality, and there's not much particularly exciting to the hacker community, few interesting algorithms, it's not minimalist at all, etc.

    Plus it has a lot of dependencies that might or might not exist outside of Debian, I've never looked into how it would run on the more DIY distros since I've never used them.

  • mock

    Language-agnostic API mocking and testing utility (by dhuan)

  • kindle-send

    Send webpages, documents and bookmarks to kindle

  • kindle-send

    CLI tool to send blogs, bundle of blogs or ebooks to your reader. Not just kindle.

  • ts-liveview

    Build hybrid SSG and SSR realtime SPA/MPA with Typescript

  • ts-liveview:

    A lightweight implementation of the “fullstack liveview” in Typescript. You can do initial contentful rendering and realtime DOM updates from the server over http and websocket with only 6.5K of js minified (22x smaller than react, 2.6x smaller than svelte).

    It was inspired from the Phoenix Liveview but evolved to adopt TSX with explicit DOM updates with querySelectors (without vdom diff-ing).

    Unlike most js frameworks, it is a starter template, not a package. So you’re free to modify and extend / trim it to better fit your need.

  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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