R2R-Dashboard VS R2R

Compare R2R-Dashboard vs R2R and see what are their differences.


R2R is a prod-ready RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine with a RESTful API. R2R includes hybrid search, knowledge graphs, and more. (by SciPhi-AI)
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R2R-Dashboard R2R
1 5
27 2,258
- 44.0%
7.9 9.8
about 3 hours ago 3 days ago
TypeScript Python
MIT License MIT License
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of R2R-Dashboard. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-26.
  • Show HN: R2R V2 – A open source RAG engine with prod features
    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 26 Jun 2024
    No not yet, I've had difficulty getting these different providers to work together on integrations. If you have any suggestions we are all ears.

    In the meantime we've built our own dashboard which shows ingested documents, and has a customizeable chat interface - https://github.com/SciPhi-AI/R2R-Dashboard.

    It's still a bit rough though.


Posts with mentions or reviews of R2R. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-26.
  • Show HN: R2R V2 – A open source RAG engine with prod features
    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 26 Jun 2024
    Hi HN!

    We're building R2R [https://github.com/SciPhi-AI/R2R], an opinionated open source RAG answer engine that is built on top of Postgres+Neo4j. The best way to get started is with the docs - https://r2r-docs.sciphi.ai/introduction.

    Our V2 represents a major update from our V1 which we have spent the last 3 months intensely building after getting a ton of great feedback from our first ShowHN. New features include multimodal data ingestion, hybrid search with reranking, advanced RAG techniques (e.g. HyDE), automatic knowledge graph construction alongside the original goal of an observable RAG system built on top of a RESTful API that we first shared.

    The problem: Developers struggle to build truthful, accurate RAG solutions. Popular tools like Langchain are complex and lack crucial production features such as user/document management, observability, and a REST API. We experienced these challenges firsthand while building a large-scale semantic search engine, having users report numerous hallucinations and inaccuracies. This highlighted that search+RAG is a difficult problem. We're convinced that these missing features, and more, are essential to effectively monitor and improve such systems over time.

    We decided to build R2R so you can quickly build an AI system for question answering that you can rely on to improve with use. We wanted to make it as simple as possible to build, monitor, and improve a state-of-the-art RAG engine using any source of data.

    Teams have been using R2R to develop custom AI agents with their own data, with applications ranging from B2B lead generation to research assistants. Best of all, the developer experience is much improved. For example, we have recently seen multiple teams use R2R to deploy a user-facing RAG engine for their application within a day. By day 2 some of these same teams were using their generated logs to tune the system with advanced features like hybrid search and HyDE.

    Here are a few examples of how R2R can outperform classic RAG with semantic search only:

    1. “What were the UK's top exports in 2023?". R2R with hybrid search can identify documents mentioning "UK exports" and "2023", whereas semantic search finds related concepts like trade balance and economic reports.

    2. "List all YC founders that worked at Google and now have an AI startup." Our knowledge graph feature allows R2R to understand relationships between employees and projects, answering a query that would be challenging for simple vector search.

    3. “Compare `The Great Gatsby` to `1984`. Advanced RAG techniques supported by R2R can use agentic behavior to answer separate queries like “key themes of The Great Gatsby” and “key themes of 1984” and then perform aggregation. This gives a better answer semantic semantic search results of the original query, which for the example shown above are likely to be quite poor.

    The built in observability and customizability of R2R helps you to tune and improve your system long after launching. Our plan is to keep the API ~fixed while we iterate on the internal system logic, making it easier for developers to trust R2R for production from day 1.

    Our roadmap is still tentative, but we are working on the following: (1) Improve semantic chunking through third party providers or our own custom LLMs; (2) Training a custom model for knowledge graph triples extraction that will allow KG construction to be 10x more efficient. (This is in private beta, please reach out if interested!); (3) Ability to handle permissions at a more granular level than just a single user; (4) LLM-powered online evaluation of system performance + enhanced analytics and metrics.

    Getting started is easy. R2R is a lightweight repository that you can install locally with `pip install r2r`, or run with Docker. Check out our quickstart guide: https://r2r-docs.sciphi.ai/quickstart. Lastly, if it interests you, we are also working on a cloud solution at https://sciphi.ai.

  • Show HN: Ellipsis – Automated PR reviews and bug fixes
    6 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 9 May 2024
    Hi HN, hunterbrooks and nbrad here from Ellipsis (https://www.ellipsis.dev). Ellipsis automatically reviews your PRs when opened and on each new commit. If you tag @ellipsis-dev in a comment, it can make changes to the PR (via direct commit or side PR) and answer questions, just like a human.

    Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X61NGZpaNQA

    So far, we have dozens of open source projects and companies using Ellipsis. We seem to have landed in a kind of sweet spot where there’s a good match between the current capabilities of AI tools and the actual needs of software engineers - this doesn’t replace human review, but it saves you time by catching/fixing lots of small silly stuff.

    Here’s an example in the wild: https://github.com/relari-ai/continuous-eval/pull/38, where Ellipsis (1) adds a PR summary; (2) finds a bug and adds a review comment; (3) after a [human] user comments, generates a side PR with the fix; and (4) after a (human) user merges the side PR and adds another commit, re-reviews the PR and approves it

    Here’s another example: https://github.com/SciPhi-AI/R2R/pull/350#pullrequestreview-..., where Ellipsis adds several comments with inline suggestions that were directly merged by the developer.

    You can configure Ellipsis in natural language to enforce custom rules, style guides, or conventions. For example, here’s how the `jxnl/instructor` repo uses natural language rules to make sure that docs are kept in sync: https://github.com/jxnl/instructor/blob/main/ellipsis.yaml#L..., and here’s an example PR that Ellipsis came up with based on those rules: https://github.com/jxnl/instructor/pull/346.

    Don’t worry, your code is never stored or used to train models (https://docs.ellipsis.dev/security).

    Installing into your repo takes 2 clicks at https://www.ellipsis.dev. We’d really appreciate your feedback, thoughts, and ideas!

  • Show HN: R2R – Open-source framework for production-grade RAG
    5 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 26 Feb 2024

What are some alternatives?

When comparing R2R-Dashboard and R2R you can also consider the following projects:

txtai - 💡 All-in-one open-source embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows

canopy - Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) framework and context engine powered by Pinecone

SimplyRetrieve - Lightweight chat AI platform featuring custom knowledge, open-source LLMs, prompt-engineering, retrieval analysis. Highly customizable. For Retrieval-Centric & Retrieval-Augmented Generation.

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
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