cssbed VS ExtPay

Compare cssbed vs ExtPay and see what are their differences.


Test bed for simple css resets that make your static page nice without classes. (by ubershmekel)


The JavaScript library for ExtensionPay.com — payments for your browser extensions, no server needed. (by Glench)
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cssbed ExtPay
1 56
126 452
- -
0.0 4.1
8 months ago 4 days ago
HTML JavaScript
- GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of cssbed. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-09-11.


Posts with mentions or reviews of ExtPay. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-04-07.
  • Ask HN: SQLite in Production?
    3 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 7 Apr 2024
    I've been using SQLite/Litestream for https://extensionpay.com for about 3 years now! Serves about 120m requests per month (most of those are cached and don't hit the db), but it's been great!

    I was convinced that SQLite could be a viable db option from this great post about it called Consider SQLite: https://blog.wesleyac.com/posts/consider-sqlite

    Using SQLite with Litestream helped me to launch the site quickly without having to pay for or configure/manage a db server, especially when I didn't know if the site would make any money and didn't have any personal experience with running production databases. Litestream streams to blackblaze b2 for literally $0 per month which is great. I already had a backblaze account for personal backups and it was easy to just add b2 storage. I've never had to restore from backup so far.

    There's a pleasing operational simplicity in this setup — one $14 DigitalOcean droplet serves my entire app (single-threaded still!) and it's been easy to scale vertically by just upgrading the server to the next tier when I started pushing the limits of a droplet (or doing some obvious SQLite config optimizations). DigitalOcean's "premium" intel and amd droplets use NVMe drives which seem to be especially good with SQLite.

    One downside of using SQLite is that there's just not as much community knowledge about using and tuning it for web applications. For example, I'm using it with SvelteKit and there's not much written online about deploying multi-threaded SvelteKit apps with SQLite. Also, not many example configs to learn from. By far the biggest performance improvement I found was turning on memory mapping for SQLite.

  • Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2024 – Show and tell
    11 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 23 Jan 2024
    I made a couple browser extensions that make over $500/month each. The key seems to be naming your extension after high-volume search terms and getting good reviews on the chrome store (and obviously having an extension that works well and solve a common problem on major websites). I monetized them with my own service, https://extensionpay.com. Feels so good to eat your own dog food :)
  • Standard Ebooks Serves Requests per Month with a 2GB VPS (2022)
    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 5 Jan 2024
    Neat! I'm serving around 120m requests per month for https://extensionpay.com from a 2GB VPS running a single-threaded nodejs process and SQLite as the db. Most of the requests are cached, but still, it's amazing how far you can get with cheap hardware.
  • Litestream – Disaster recovery and continuous replication for SQLite
    3 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 1 Jan 2024
    I use SQLite/Litestream for https://extensionpay.com! Serves about 120m requests per month (most of those are cached and don't hit the db), but it's been great!

    I have no affiliation with Litestream but I was convinced that SQLite could be a viable db option from this great post about it called Consider SQLite: https://blog.wesleyac.com/posts/consider-sqlite

    Using SQLite with Litestream helped me to launch the site quickly without having to pay for or configure/manage a db server, especially when I didn't know if the site would make any money and didn't have any personal experience with running production databases. Litestream streams to blackblaze b2 for literally $0 per month which is great. I already had a backblaze account for personal backups and it was easy to just add b2 storage. I've never had to restore from backup so far.

    There's a pleasing operational simplicity in this setup — one $14 DigitalOcean droplet serves my entire app (single-threaded still!) and it's been easy to scale vertically by just upgrading the server to the next tier when I started pushing the limits of a droplet. DigitalOcean's "premium" intel and amd droplets use NVMe drives which seem to be especially good with SQLite.

    One downside of using SQLite is that there's just not as much community knowledge about using and tuning it for web applications. For example, I'm using it with SvelteKit and there's not much written online about deploying multi-threaded SvelteKit apps with SQLite. Also, not many example configs to learn from. By far the biggest performance improvement I found was turning on memory mapping for SQLite.

    Happy to answer any questions you might have!

  • Ask HN: What are some easy ways to earn some side money?
    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 16 Aug 2023
    I made https://extensionpay.com to monetize my own browser extensions and between that and free distribution on the extension stores it’s really easy to try making extensions that make money. So far devs have made over $300k with ExtensionPay. That said, it still take some skill to find a niche that works.
  • Many temptations of an open-source Chrome extension developer
    5 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 9 Aug 2023
    Just want to put a plug in for https://extensionpay.com/ - I've used it in extensions in the past. It takes away the headache of setting up a backend for payment. They do take an extra 5%, but it's worth it especially. for smaller projects
  • Monetization Options
    1 project | /r/chrome_extensions | 3 Jul 2023
    Have a go at looking at this: https://extensionpay.com,
  • I Built Vim for Google Docs
    2 projects | /r/vim | 22 Jun 2023
    That's fair. Right now my payment processor (ExtensionPay) doesn't support multiple pricing tiers. However, in the future I'm considering rolling out my own logic so that I can provide a lifetime license option for some users.
  • My experience with the Chrome Extension review process
    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 10 Jun 2023
    Oh nice! Maybe you'd be interested in the tool I built to take payments in extensions: https://extensionpay.com
  • 2! Authenticator: An extension to quickly view your 2-factor codes in Chrome.
    1 project | /r/chrome_extensions | 6 Jun 2023
    If your concern is about security of the extension, you may right click on top of the extension's icon and select "Inspect popup". Select the "Network" tab and type CTRL-R to force a reload of the extension. Verify there are no external network requests (except to extensionpay.com for paid features).
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