cssbed VS open-props

Compare cssbed vs open-props and see what are their differences.


Test bed for simple css resets that make your static page nice without classes. (by ubershmekel)
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cssbed open-props
1 50
126 4,510
- -
0.0 8.3
8 months ago 13 days ago
- MIT License
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of cssbed. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2022-09-11.


Posts with mentions or reviews of open-props. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-02-27.
  • Eurovision Gradients
    1 project | dev.to | 8 May 2024
    Now, for the red/blue-version, I took one of the nice linear() timing-functions from Adam Argyle's Open Props:
  • Learn CSS Layout the Pedantic Way
    7 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 27 Feb 2024
    There's still some boilerplate, but I'm a big fan of Open Props[0] because it takes a hybrid approach. CSS isn't necessarily reinventing the wheel, but allowing for easier / more powerful approaches to difficult layouts or things that would otherwise require JS. Bootstrap is fine but troubleshooting advanced layout issues involves a lot of inspecting elements to see what styles are actually being applied (at least in my experience, YMMV) so I'd personally always bet on CSS.

    [0] https://open-props.style/

  • Why Tailwind Isn't for Me
    2 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 26 Jan 2024
    I don't quite get the hate for having CSS in another file. Do you also put all your react stuff in one single file ? That same logic and argument can be applied against all modularization.

    And really 20-50 tailwind classes in a single element is VERY hard to read and keep in mind. No - it does not make things clear or understandable. One tends to need to re-read and scan over from the beginning and eyes glaze over. Esp if some elements only vary with a few classes missing. I guess it works for people with very high attention to detail and high amount of working memory. I only find it personally frustrating.

    Maybe tailwind css works for some bright people. I did try it for a couple of projects and only felt pain.

    However, the "atomic css" philosophy behind tailwind is great. I find framewroks like https://open-props.style/ far better to use.

  • Htmx and Web Components: A Perfect Match
    5 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 18 Jan 2024
  • Styling React 2023 edition
    11 projects | dev.to | 3 Nov 2023
    Open Props adds to the set by providing extra custom properties for things like easing functions or animations.
  • The Future of CSS: Easy Light-Dark Mode Color Switching with Light-Dark()
    5 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 9 Oct 2023
    > If you wanted to actually solve theming, what you should work for is not a constrained helper function like light-dark(), but instead a shared token schema. Today nearly every company has their own token schema and different ways of naming things in the semantic token layer. If we had a shard language here, not only would it be trivial to add light/dark theming (just redefine a few variables that are already provided for you), code could be shared between sites and inherit the theming/branding.

    Isn't that the idea behind https://open-props.style/ (and https://theme-ui.com/ in JS land)?

    I think it's a great idea, but hampered by the lack of adoption incentives for the very people that need to adopt it for it to become successful (design system/component library authors). It introduces constraints, but the promised interoperability is not really beneficial to the people who need to work within those constraints.

  • Tailwind CSS and the death of web craftsmanship
    8 projects | news.ycombinator.com | 2 Aug 2023
    I do think that the real value of Tailwind comes from the utility classes, rather than css-in-html paradigm. You could achieve the same, for example, with Pollen.css [0] or Open Props [1].

    [0] https://github.com/heybokeh/pollen

    [1] https://github.com/argyleink/open-props

  • What is the best styling strategy for a Svelte project?
    1 project | /r/sveltejs | 12 Apr 2023
    If you choose to style with plain CSS you can add design tokens as CSS variables with Open Props: https://open-props.style.
  • Released tw-variables: 400 useful Tailwind utilities as ready-to-import CSS variables
    2 projects | /r/Frontend | 11 Mar 2023
    Some time ago I discovered Open Props which provides a lot of design tokens as CSS variables and started using it in some of my projects.
  • [Showcase] Searching for Friendly-User for Scrum-Tool Miyagi
    4 projects | /r/sveltejs | 5 Feb 2023
    CSS: Open Props (https://open-props.style/)

What are some alternatives?

When comparing cssbed and open-props you can also consider the following projects:

luxacss - The minimalist CSS library.

carbon-components-svelte - Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System

classless-css - A list of classless CSS themes/frameworks with screenshots

svelte-headlessui - Unofficial Svelte port of the Headless UI component library

spark-joy - ✨😂 2000+ ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product.

pollen - The CSS variables build system

spcss - A simple, minimal, classless stylesheet for simple HTML pages

Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

mvp - MVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements

modern-normalize - 🐒 Normalize browsers' default style

vanilla-extract - Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript

unocss - The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.

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