fontaine VS

Compare fontaine vs and see what are their differences.


Automatic font fallback based on font metrics [Moved to:] (by danielroe)

This is the source code for (by johnnyreilly)
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5 22
1,344 35
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10.0 9.4
7 months ago 8 days ago
TypeScript TypeScript
MIT License MIT License
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of fontaine. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-06-06.
  • Watch Out for Layout Shifts with ‘ch’ Units
    2 projects | /r/webdev | 6 Jun 2023
  • Astro Font Fallbacks with Capsize: reduce CLS
    1 project | | 5 Jun 2023
    An alternative to Capsize for reducing font swap layout shift is Fontaine. It has a Vite plugin, and is able automatically to update font face CSS (like we will do, using Capsize metrics). We do something a little more manual here with Capsize, just to help get a grounding in the issue and solution approach.
  • You don't need zero JS website for a perfect Lighthouse score
    4 projects | | 9 May 2023
    Fonts are one of the biggest pain points in the context of performance optimization. I have decided to not use any CDN like Google Fonts but instead, I'm serving them myself. Also, I have used a cool package called Fontaine which reduces CLS by using local font fallbacks with crafted font metrics.
  • How I ruined my SEO
    3 projects | | 15 Jan 2023
    I started using fontaine on my blog. If you haven't tried it out, you can find it here. It helps reduce Cumulative Layout Shift. The flash of unstyled content jank that you can see when you first land on a site, before fonts have loaded. I can't see why that would be an issue. It should improve my blogs Core Web Vitals and help stuff rank better, not worse. I think this is a red herring.
  • Docusaurus: Using fontaine to reduce custom font cumulative layout shift
    3 projects | | 10 Dec 2022
    Custom font usage can introduce cumulative layout shift (or "jank") to your website. This post shows how to use fontaine to reduce this with Docusaurus sites.

Posts with mentions or reviews of We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-03-20.
  • Migrating Azure Functions from JSDoc JavaScript to TypeScript
    1 project | | 8 May 2023
    All of these affordances are available to me with TypeScript, and I want to keep them. Let's begin migrating. Incidentally, the code for this migration lies in this PR.
  • Playwright, GitHub Actions and Azure Static Web Apps staging environments
    3 projects | | 20 Mar 2023
    I'm going to write about this in the context of my blog. My blog is open source and you can find the code here. I'm going to present a simplified solution in this post, but you can find the full solution on GitHub.
  • Migrating from ts-node to Bun
    4 projects | | 19 Mar 2023
    These scripts are implemented as a simple ts-node console app. For historical reasons it's called trim-xml (it originally just truncated the sitemap.xml file). It's not a particularly good name but I'm not going to change it now. As the blog is open source, you can see the [code of trim-xml here](].
  • Docusaurus blogs: adding breadcrumb Structured Data
    2 projects | | 5 Feb 2023
    I'm somewhat on the fence as to whether it's useful to have a breadcrumb for each tag. In fact, originally I didn't have it when I first added support. But I've added it in as it's not a lot of work and it's not a lot of code. I'm not sure if it's useful or not. I've added it now; I'm going to leave it in in place for a bit and see how it goes.
  • Serving Docusaurus images with Cloudinary
    5 projects | | 17 Jan 2023
    You will also need to disable the url-loader in your Docusaurus build which transforms images into base64 strings, as this will conflict with the plugin. There isn't a first class way to do this in Docusaurus at present. However by setting the environment variable WEBPACK_URL_LOADER_LIMIT to 0 you can disable it. You can see an implementation example in this pull request. It amounts to adding the cross-env package and then adding the following to your package.json:
    3 projects | | 25 Dec 2022
    //@ts-check const visit = require('unist-util-visit'); /** * Create a remark plugin that will replace image URLs with Cloudinary URLs * @param {*} options cloudName your Cloudinary’s cloud name eg demo, baseUrl the base URL of your website eg - should not include a trailing slash, will likely be the same as the config.url in your docusaurus.config.js * @returns remark plugin that will replace image URLs with Cloudinary URLs */ function imageCloudinaryRemarkPluginFactory( /** @type {{ cloudName: string; baseUrl: string }} */ options ) { const { cloudName, baseUrl } = options; const srcRegex = / src={(.*)}/; /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[], import('hast').Root>} */ return function imageCloudinaryRemarkPlugin() { return (tree) => { visit(tree, ['element', 'jsx'], (node) => { if (node.type === 'element' && node['tagName'] === 'img') { // handles nodes like this: // { // type: 'element', // tagName: 'img', // properties: { // src: '', // alt: null // }, // ... // } const url = node['properties'].src; node[ 'properties' ].src = `${cloudName}/image/fetch/${url}`; } else if (node.type === 'jsx' && node['value']?.includes('')) { // handles nodes like this: // { // type: 'jsx', // value: '' // } const match = node['value'].match(srcRegex); if (match) { const urlOrRequire = match[1]; node['value'] = node['value'].replace( srcRegex, ` src={${`\`${cloudName}/image/fetch/${baseUrl}\$\{${urlOrRequire}\}\``}}` ); } } }); }; }; } module.exports = imageCloudinaryRemarkPluginFactory;
  • How I Ruined My SEO
    4 projects | | 15 Jan 2023
    yeah I'm hoping that my redirect story is now quite good - see dynamic redirect code here:

    as to the duplicate content, Docusaurus generates /tags/ and /pages/ content by default that I strip from from my sitemap manually.

  • How I ruined my SEO
    3 projects | | 15 Jan 2023
    I started using fontaine on my blog. If you haven't tried it out, you can find it here. It helps reduce Cumulative Layout Shift. The flash of unstyled content jank that you can see when you first land on a site, before fonts have loaded. I can't see why that would be an issue. It should improve my blogs Core Web Vitals and help stuff rank better, not worse. I think this is a red herring.
    2 projects | | 14 Jan 2023
    client side redirects boom * november feedback loop
  • Using Application Insights with Bicep to monitor Azure Static Web Apps and Azure Functions
    1 project | | 1 Jan 2023
    param location string param branch string param staticWebAppName string param tags object @secure() param repositoryToken string param rootCustomDomainName string param blogCustomDomainName string param appInsightsId string param appInsightsInstrumentationKey string param appInsightsConnectionString string var tagsWithHiddenLinks = union({ 'hidden-link: /app-insights-resource-id': appInsightsId 'hidden-link: /app-insights-instrumentation-key': appInsightsInstrumentationKey 'hidden-link: /app-insights-conn-string': appInsightsConnectionString }, tags) resource staticWebApp 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites@2022-03-01' = { name: staticWebAppName location: location tags: tagsWithHiddenLinks sku: { name: 'Free' tier: 'Free' } properties: { repositoryUrl: '' repositoryToken: repositoryToken branch: branch provider: 'GitHub' stagingEnvironmentPolicy: 'Enabled' allowConfigFileUpdates: true buildProperties:{ skipGithubActionWorkflowGeneration: true } } } resource staticWebAppAppSettings 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites/config@2022-03-01' = { name: 'appsettings' kind: 'string' parent: staticWebApp properties: { APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY: appInsightsInstrumentationKey APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING: appInsightsConnectionString } } resource staticWebAppFunctionAppSettings 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites/config@2022-03-01' = { name: 'functionappsettings' kind: 'string' parent: staticWebApp properties: { APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY: appInsightsInstrumentationKey APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING: appInsightsConnectionString } } resource rootCustomDomain 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites/customDomains@2022-03-01' = { parent: staticWebApp name: rootCustomDomainName properties: {} } resource blogCustomDomain 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites/customDomains@2022-03-01' = { parent: staticWebApp name: blogCustomDomainName properties: {} } output staticWebAppDefaultHostName string = output staticWebAppId string = output staticWebAppName string =

What are some alternatives?

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astro - The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!

Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.

dayjs - ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API

Oryx - Build your repo automatically.

moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.

notes - Collection of my byte sized notes on programming and other random topics.

fontaine - Automatic font fallback based on font metrics [Moved to:] - Source code of

capsize - Flipping how we define typography in CSS.

obsidian-git - Backup your vault with git

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
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