sequencer VS terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner

Compare sequencer vs terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner and see what are their differences.


Optimized and Maintenance-free Kubernetes on Hetzner Cloud in one command! (by kube-hetzner)
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sequencer terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner
2 23
19 1,986
- 3.7%
3.6 9.3
6 days ago 4 days ago
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later MIT License
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of sequencer. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-26.
  • A Better Way to Code: Documentation Driven Development
    3 projects | | 26 Jun 2024
    I really love this idea in theory, and I believe that for some system, specially mature ones, it may work well. I see good documentation as a super power; it empowers readers and motivate people to understand more about the system without being caught in the weeds of reading the source.

    The source has baggages, and the intent of every single function calls is not always evident. Writing documentation up-front can help direct the source, but this is a tug-of-war environment. Each affect the other in its own ways.

    And for that reason, documentation driven development can be a real drag. You start writing documentation with the best intentions, everything works great for this first release. But 2 months down the road you need to modify something and it has a ripple effect on many of the things you documented. It's a non-negligible cost.

    I've been working on this open-source tool( and I've spent a lot of time on the documentation. And what I described above happened. I wanted to make a not-too-big change, and it required me to rewrite 30% of the documentation. I still love the documentation aspect of it, but it definitively has a cost.

  • piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen
    18 projects | | 9 Jun 2024
    First time I read about piku. I have no idea why, but the feeling of `git push` to initiate a deployment like piku does always felt magical to me. There's nothing simpler than that.

    This is timely for me as well as I just open sourced (yesterday!) a project that is in the same space, but for Kubernetes (

    All of this to say, congrats! It looks great.


Posts with mentions or reviews of terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-09.
  • piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen
    18 projects | | 9 Jun 2024
    I like Epinio which does the same but on top of kubernetes. It is backed by Suse and lightweight compared to KNative (which is the basis of GCP CloudRun for example), but being kubernetes based still requires more Resources than dokku or Piku. I still prefer k8s due to the vast ecosystem of mature solutions. And I can still run everything on a single box, it just needs to be a bit bigger. The new Hetzner CX42 with 8 vCPUs, 16 GB of RAM, and 160 GB of disk space for € 16.40 a month (€ 0.0273 per hour) is sufficient, and with the Kube Hetzner Project I can set up a kubernetes cluster with auto updating microos in 5 minutes.

  • Ask HN: Is there a low cost way to learn real K8s, after exhausting minikube?
    3 projects | | 5 Sep 2023
    Hetzner starting with, plus registry using DigitalOcean.
  • Home lab running on a single nuc?
    4 projects | /r/kubernetes | 11 Jun 2023
    However in the end my goto solution is k3s on hetzner cloud since it's got support for load balancers, ingress controllers with public IPS, persistent storage etc. It's cheaper than all the other cloud providers, although you need to run some code it doesn't have a 1 click solution. so I sold my hardware and used this I run it when I need a kube cluster and kill it by deleting the project.
  • Fastest way to set up an k8s environment ?
    13 projects | /r/kubernetes | 31 May 2023
    You can look at this:
  • Kube-Hetzner: Kubernetes powered by k3s-on-MicroOS and deployed on Hetzner
    1 project | | 9 May 2023
  • How do YOU, personally, use Jellyfin?
    2 projects | /r/jellyfin | 7 May 2023
    This whole setup is around 70euros per month, and I can enjoy usenet and torrent downloads of Linux ISOs to constantly peak at 1Gbps speed. All of this is HA with Kubernetes using this.
  • "Cheap" cloud provider
    1 project | /r/Terraform | 28 Apr 2023
  • Has anyone set up autoscaling on hetzner?
    2 projects | /r/hetzner | 4 Apr 2023
  • OS choices for cluster
    2 projects | /r/kubernetes | 29 Mar 2023
    OpenSUSE MicroOS, we use it here. Another good option would be Fedora CoreOS
  • Can any Hetzner user, please explain there workflow on Hetzner?
    20 projects | | 22 Mar 2023
    It's not even close to major public cloud providers, but this is my setup:

    * (Terraform, Kubernetes bootstrap)

    * Flux for CI

    * nginx-ingress + Hetzner Loadbalancer (thanks to

    * Hetzner storage volumes (thanks to

    Kube-Hetzner supports Hetzner Cloud loadbalancers and volumes out of the box, though it also supports other components.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing sequencer and terraform-hcloud-kube-hetzner you can also consider the following projects:

terraform-aws-eks-node-group - Terraform module to provision a fully managed AWS EKS Node Group

terraform-aws-eks-cluster - Terraform module for provisioning an EKS cluster

horus - Free cloud native platform for service hosting

hetzner-k3s - The easiest and quickest way to create and manage Kubernetes clusters in Hetzner Cloud using the lightweight distribution k3s by Rancher.

terraform-k3s-private-cloud - Private cluster with k3s. Why have 1 huge complicated cluster (pet) when you can have many simple, cheap clusters (cattle)?

rffmpeg-worker - Container to act as worker for jellyfin-rffmpeg

k3s-aws-terraform-cluster - Deploy an high available K3s cluster on Amazon AWS

libvirt-ocp4-provisioner - Automate your OCP4 installation

k3s-oci-cluster - Deploy a Kubernetes cluster for free, using k3s and Oracle always free resources

kubeone - Kubermatic KubeOne automate cluster operations on all your cloud, on-prem, edge, and IoT environments.


swarmsible-hetzner - Companion repository for with a focus on usage in the Hetzner cloud

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
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SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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