Books to Dive in into Fullstack Development

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on

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  • Svelte

    Cybernetically enhanced web apps

    Books are ok but I think it's better to learn with websites that use live coding examples and exercises. is good, the Responsive Web Design and JavaScript courses are a good place to start, there's a great community of learners and tutors to help.

    The MDN developer resources is a useful site to keep open while you learn.

    Now pick a framework to start learning and building with. React is the most used but I chose Svelte because it is powerful yet has simpler syntax and is easier to learn, also supposed to be more performant.

    The Svelte tutorial is an excellent learning resource, nicely detailed and structured. I also found it to be a useful refresher for JavaScript in a more practical real world context.

    While doing the Svelte tutorial, and in fact all the time now, I have a tab open for an AI chat bot. I find Perplexity to be particularly useful for explaining syntax and code snippets.

    If you want to get more into JavaScript then a good book is Eloquent JavaScript

    Other posters have pointed out the complexity of the back end stuff and devops, etc. You can simplify this aspect by using a service like Supabase or Firebase.

  • InfluxDB

    Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale. Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.

    InfluxDB logo
  • content

    The content behind MDN Web Docs

    Books are ok but I think it's better to learn with websites that use live coding examples and exercises. is good, the Responsive Web Design and JavaScript courses are a good place to start, there's a great community of learners and tutors to help.

    The MDN developer resources is a useful site to keep open while you learn.

    Now pick a framework to start learning and building with. React is the most used but I chose Svelte because it is powerful yet has simpler syntax and is easier to learn, also supposed to be more performant.

    The Svelte tutorial is an excellent learning resource, nicely detailed and structured. I also found it to be a useful refresher for JavaScript in a more practical real world context.

    While doing the Svelte tutorial, and in fact all the time now, I have a tab open for an AI chat bot. I find Perplexity to be particularly useful for explaining syntax and code snippets.

    If you want to get more into JavaScript then a good book is Eloquent JavaScript

    Other posters have pointed out the complexity of the back end stuff and devops, etc. You can simplify this aspect by using a service like Supabase or Firebase.

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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