Python with Braces

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  • bython

    Python with braces. Because python is awesome, but whitespace is awful.

    Because bython is basically a glorified regular expression search and replace:

    Rather than a real parser. A real parser knows about the context it is in, and as long as the grammar is unambiguous about some character, it can be reused in as many distinct parser constructions as you like. A pure regex-based approach to a first approximation can not.

    Whether or not it absolutely can or can't, without "approximation" and with regard to the exact re library in Python, would be something you'd have to work out through tedious effort. Regexes with backtracking can do a lot more than mathematical regexes, as well as all the other elaborations you could use. But even if Python's re can do it, you will be better off with a real parser.

    The "correct" solution, since by design Python and Bython share the same AST, is to take some existing code that can parse and re-emit Python code without changing it, tweak the incoming grammar to use braces instead, then emit the AST back out as Python. Then you wouldn't have this problem, or the problem with comments referenced in the source code (line 109 of the file I linked, just up a bit), or any of the probably other many little issues that would arise on real code if you tried to put this in real use.

  • Scout Monitoring

    Free Django app performance insights with Scout Monitoring. Get Scout setup in minutes, and let us sweat the small stuff. A couple lines in is all you need to start monitoring your apps. Sign up for our free tier today.

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  • highlight-indent-guides

    Emacs minor mode to highlight indentation

    Seriously. <>

  • pwk

    Python With Kurly braces

    I found this here years ago: Python With Kurly braces.

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