Quasar course

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/vuejs

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
  • quasar-awesome

    🎉 A list of awesome things related to Quasar

    Oops, I didn't notice Quasar Awesome list.

  • InfluxDB

    Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale. Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.

    InfluxDB logo
  • Quasar Framework

    Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time

    I myself never used reddit until I started learning Quasar. I used it because I found the community reply quickly by comparing to Quasar official Github discussions

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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