
DevSecOps Project to setup Netflix clone on AWS using CICD, Security, Monitoring and GitOps (by SwapnilM24)

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  • πŸš€The Netflix DevSecOps Project πŸš€
    1 project | | 13 Nov 2023
    Phase 1: Initial Setup and Deployment βœ… Launch EC2 (Ubuntu 22.04): Provisioned an EC2 instance on AWS with Ubuntu 22.04. βœ… Connected to the instance using SSH. βœ… Clone the Code: Updated all packages and cloned the application code from GitHub. Install Docker and Run the App Using a Container: Set up Docker on the EC2 instance. Built and ran the Netflix clone application using Docker containers. Get the API Key: Obtained the TMDB API key for the application. Phase 2: Security βœ… Installed SonarQube and Trivy for vulnerability scanning. βœ… Integrated SonarQube with the CI/CD pipeline. Phase 3: CI/CD Setup βœ… Installed Jenkins for automation. βœ… Configured Jenkins plugins and tools for the CI/CD pipeline. Created a Jenkins pipeline for application deployment. Phase 4:Monitoring Installed Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring. βœ… Set up Node Exporter to collect system-level metrics. βœ… Configured Prometheus to scrape metrics from Node Exporter. Created Grafana dashboards for visualization. Phase 5: Notification Implemented email notifications in Jenkins for alerts. Phase 6: Kubernetes Created a Kubernetes cluster with node groups. Monitored Kubernetes with Prometheus and Node Exporter. Phase 7: Cleanup Terminated AWS EC2 instances that were no longer needed. Github


Basic DevSecOps-Project_netflix repo stats
9 months ago

The primary programming language of DevSecOps-Project_netflix is TypeScript.

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