
snare: GitHub webhooks daemon (by softdevteam)

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snare reviews and mentions

Posts with mentions or reviews of snare. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-09.
  • piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen
    18 projects | | 9 Jun 2024
    I have a similar setup, using snare to handle the webhook endpoint:

    GitHub will call the webhook after a push to main and a successful test suite run. Snare runs a shell script on my server to git pull, build, deploy, and call a hook for monitoring deploy success.

    I've been pretty happy with how relatively simple it is and how well it works.


Basic snare repo stats
3 months ago

softdevteam/snare is an open source project licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 or later which is an OSI approved license.

The primary programming language of snare is Rust.

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