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Mohamed Hane
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Full stack developer

Hi, I'm Mohamed Hane, a passionate junior frontend developer with a strong interest in creating engaging and user-friendly web experiences. I love the process of turning design concepts into responsive and interactive websites that delight users.

My journey as a frontend developer started during my studies in computer science, where I gained a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Since then, I have been honing my skills and expanding my knowledge in frontend technologies, including modern frameworks such as ReactJS.

My goal is to combine my technical skills with my creative mindset to build visually appealing and intuitive interfaces. I enjoy collaborating with cross-functional teams, including designers and backend developers, to bring ideas to life and deliver high-quality products.

In addition to technical skills, I also strive to stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. I am a firm believer in continuous learning and enjoy exploring new tools and frameworks that can enhance my development workflow.

I am a detail-oriented individual who takes pride in writing clean and maintainable code. I believe in the importance of writing code that is not only functional but also scalable and optimized for performance.

If you're looking for a dedicated frontend developer who is eager to contribute to exciting projects and learn from experienced professionals, I would love to connect! Feel free to reach out to me for collaboration opportunities or to discuss how we can work together to create exceptional web experiences.

Work Availability
Actively Looking
  • 🇪🇬 Egypt
  • Remote OK
  • Relocation OK
  • Office OK
Role Level
  • Junior
Role Preferences
  • Full-time Employment
  • Part-time Employment
  • Full-time Contract
  • Part-time Contract
  • Freelance

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