snare VS webapp-tutorial

Compare snare vs webapp-tutorial and see what are their differences.


snare: GitHub webhooks daemon (by softdevteam)


piku experiments with "build a web app fast" prototyping (by piku)
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snare webapp-tutorial
1 3
56 10
- -
7.3 1.8
3 months ago almost 3 years ago
Rust Makefile
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later -
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of snare. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-09.
  • piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen
    18 projects | | 9 Jun 2024
    I have a similar setup, using snare to handle the webhook endpoint:

    GitHub will call the webhook after a push to main and a successful test suite run. Snare runs a shell script on my server to git pull, build, deploy, and call a hook for monitoring deploy success.

    I've been pretty happy with how relatively simple it is and how well it works.


Posts with mentions or reviews of webapp-tutorial. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2024-06-09.
  • piku: The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen
    18 projects | | 9 Jun 2024
    It's actually worth taking your joke seriously to compare and contrast:

    - piku deploys via git rather than scp/sftp, but authenticates via ssh like those tools

    - piku supports a number of runtimes, including Python, Ruby, Node, Go, Clojure. The runtimes are implemented rather simply, you can add your own rather easily, see examples here in the code:

    - For each runtime, a mechanism is utilized to install and isolate package dependencies (requirements.txt in Python, Gemfile in Ruby, packages.json in Node, etc.)

    - a Procfile and ENV file are used to declare your application entrypoints, akin to Heroku / 12 Factor App ideas

    - a CLI is provided for checking status and logs from the client

    - since all applications are managed via uwsgi, there is also some support for cronjob-style tasks

    - HTTPS via Let's Encrypt ( is handled automagically for web apps

    I describe more about how piku works in this tutorial:

    You're right that PHP apps have a simple deployment story, and in a way piku brings something akin to this level of simplicity to other web programming runtimes.

  • Dokku – Free Heroku Alternative
    13 projects | | 14 May 2022
    Also check out piku, especially if you are hosting Python or Node apps:

    It is a way to get the same sort of developer experience benefit as dokku, but without dockers and containers, using plain UNIXy tools on a single Linux node. The above link explains how it works.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing snare and webapp-tutorial you can also consider the following projects:

ground-init - Install a Linux machine locally with something that is almost, but not quite, cloud-init

dokku-acl - Access Control List management for Dokku.

dokku-builder-nix - Dokku plugin to build images using Nix

go-stdlib - OpenTracing instrumentation for packages in the Go stdlib

flux2 - Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit.


piku - The tiniest PaaS you've ever seen. Piku allows you to do git push deployments to your own servers.

metadataproxy - A proxy for AWS's metadata service that gives out scoped IAM credentials from STS

rupy - HTTP App. Server and JSON DB - Shared Parallel (Atomic) & Distributed

dokku-scheduler-kubernetes - Scheduler plugin for deploying applications to kubernetes

Stack Up - Super simple deployment tool - think of it like 'make' for a network of servers

Dokku - A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications

InfluxDB - Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale
Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews
SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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