Trending Bikeshed Projects

This page lists the top trending Bikeshed projects based on the growth of GitHub stars.
It is updated once every day. The last update was on 3 Jun 2024.
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Top 36 Trending Bikeshed Projects

ABOUT: The growth percentage is calculated as the increase in the number of stars compared to the previous month. We list only projects that have at least 500 stars and a GitHub organization logo set.


What are some of the trending open-source Bikeshed projects? This list will help you:

Project Growth
1 isolated-web-apps 8.8%
2 webnn 6.6%
3 webdriver-bidi 4.9%
4 first-party-sets 2.7%
5 FedCM 2.6%
6 proposal-common-minimum-api 2.4%
7 storage-access 2.0%
8 topics 1.7%
9 fenced-frame 1.7%
10 webtransport 1.5%
11 webextensions 1.4%
12 sanitizer-api 1.3%
13 gpuweb 1.3%
14 turtledove 1.0%
15 csswg-drafts 0.8%
16 observable 0.8%
17 trust-token-api 0.7%
18 web-audio-api 0.6%
19 ua-client-hints 0.5%
20 webusb 0.3%
21 webxr 0.3%
22 forgefed 0.3%
23 webappsec-permissions-policy 0.3%
24 OriginTrials 0.2%
25 web-bluetooth 0.1%
26 IntersectionObserver 0.1%
27 webrtc-insertable-streams 0.0%
28 paint-timing 0.0%
29 mediacapture-record 0.0%
30 design-principles 0.0%
31 speech-api 0.0%
32 file-system-access 0.0%
33 construct-stylesheets 0.0%
34 webappsec-change-password-url 0.0%
35 picture-in-picture 0.0%
36 css-houdini-drafts -0.1%