Trending ReScript Projects

This page lists the top trending ReScript projects based on the growth of GitHub stars.
It is updated once every day. The last update was on 27 May 2024.
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Top 6 Trending ReScript Projects

  • rescript-webapi

    ReScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs

  • rescript-react

    Official ReScript bindings for ReactJS

  • rescript-mui

    ReScript bindings for MUI

  • rescript-vscode

    Official VSCode plugin for ReScript

  • rescript-project-template

    Clone this repo to start your own project!

  • rescript-core

    A drop-in standard library for ReScript. Intended to be familiar for JavaScript developers, easy to use, and be rich enough (without being bloated) so that you don't need to reach for anything else for typical ReScript development.

ABOUT: The growth percentage is calculated as the increase in the number of stars compared to the previous month. We list only projects that have at least 500 stars and a GitHub organization logo set.


What are some of the trending open-source ReScript projects? This list will help you:

Project Growth
1 rescript-webapi 2.8%
2 rescript-react 1.3%
3 rescript-mui 0.8%
4 rescript-vscode 0.6%
5 rescript-project-template 0.0%
6 rescript-core 0.0%