My first open source project: React Gauge Component

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/reactjs

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  • react-gauge-component

    React gauge component for data visualization.

    Hello u/mahade, I investigated the performance and I had a lot of rendering issues in the component, I revisited all the render flow and refactored everything, now it should only be doing only what's necessary commit

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  • react-gauge-chart

    React component for displaying a gauge chart

    So, first I'll give some context, I needed a Gauge component for my other project to visualize stuff like humidity, temperature, charge, voltage, etc. I found Martin36/react-gauge-chart, it's a great project, but it doesn't contemplate some of my needs like min/max value, so I forked the project with intention to PR changes back, I got the min/max values working but I found difficult to code in that structure, so I refactored the project in different files and migrated everything in the lib to Typescript, now with min/max values I needed marks for values references, so I added that and some more stuff, but now the project is too different from the original and I didn't want to depend on the original author to manage the project, push packages, deploy gh-page, with my needs and also wanted to have the experience with my own package so I just created a new repo:

NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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