simple-proxy-for-tavern VS Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI

Compare simple-proxy-for-tavern vs Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI and see what are their differences.


Compare the performance of different LLM that can be deployed locally on consumer hardware. Run yourself with Colab WebUI. (by Troyanovsky)
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simple-proxy-for-tavern Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI
21 20
111 919
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8.0 9.1
11 months ago 7 days ago
JavaScript Jupyter Notebook
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 -
The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives.
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.


Posts with mentions or reviews of simple-proxy-for-tavern. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-07-21.


Posts with mentions or reviews of Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI. We have used some of these posts to build our list of alternatives and similar projects. The last one was on 2023-07-06.
  • Mistral 7B OpenOrca outclasses Llama 2 13B variants
    1 project | | 21 Oct 2023
  • GPT-4 API general availability
    15 projects | | 6 Jul 2023
    In terms of speed, we're talking about 140t/s for 7B models, and 40t/s for 33B models on a 3090/4090 now.[1] (1 token ~= 0.75 word) It's quite zippy. llama.cpp performs close on Nvidia GPUs now (but they don't have a handy chart) and you can get decent performance on 13B models on M1/M2 Macs.

    You can take a look at a list of evals here: - for general usage, I think home-rolled evals like llm-jeopardy [2] and local-llm-comparison [3] by hobbyists are more useful than most of the benchmark rankings.

    That being said, personally I mostly use GPT-4 for code assistance to that's what I'm most interested in, and the latest code assistants are scoring quite well: - a recent replit-3b fine tune the human-eval results for open models (as a point of reference, GPT-3.5 gets 60.4 on pass@1 and 68.9 on pass@10 [4]) - I've only just started playing around with it since replit model tooling is not as good as llamas (doc here:

    I'm interested in potentially applying reflexion or some of the other techniques that have been tried to even further increase coding abilities. (InterCode in particular has caught my eye





  • Best 7B model
    1 project | /r/oobaboogazz | 29 Jun 2023
    The best 7B I tried is WizardLM. It's my go-to model.
  • UltraLM-13B reaches top of AlpacaEval leaderboard
    3 projects | /r/LocalLLaMA | 28 Jun 2023
    If you want to try it out, you can use Google Colab here with Oobabooga Text Generation UI: Link (Remember to check the instruction template and generation parameters)
  • wizardLM-7B.q4_2
    1 project | /r/LocalLLaMA | 18 Jun 2023
    I'm really impressed by wizardLM-7B.q4_2 (GPT4all) running on my 8gb M2 Mac Air. Fast response, fewer hallucinations than other 7B models I've tried. GPT4All's beta document collection and query function is respectable--going to test it more tomorrow. FWIW wizardLM-7B.q4_2 was ranked very high here
  • Help me discover new LLMs for school project
    4 projects | /r/LocalLLaMA | 18 Jun 2023
    I made a series of Colab notebooks for different models:
  • Nous Hermes 13b is very good.
    1 project | /r/LocalLLaMA | 11 Jun 2023
    I found it performing very well too in my testing (Repo). It's my second favorite model after WizardLM-13B.
  • How to train 7B models with small documents?
    2 projects | /r/LocalLLaMA | 9 Jun 2023
  • What are your favorite LLMs?
    4 projects | /r/LocalLLaMA | 8 Jun 2023
    My entire list at: Local LLM Comparison Repo
  • Announcing Nous-Hermes-13b (info link in thread)
    3 projects | /r/LocalLLaMA | 3 Jun 2023
    I just tried HyperMantis and updated the results in the repo. It performs not bad but worse than Nous-Hermes-13B.

What are some alternatives?

When comparing simple-proxy-for-tavern and Local-LLM-Comparison-Colab-UI you can also consider the following projects:

koboldcpp - A simple one-file way to run various GGML and GGUF models with KoboldAI's UI

langflow - ⛓️ Langflow is a visual framework for building multi-agent and RAG applications. It's open-source, Python-powered, fully customizable, model and vector store agnostic.

SillyTavern - LLM Frontend for Power Users. [Moved to:]

private-gpt - Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks

SillyTavern-Extras - Extensions API for SillyTavern.

GPTQ-for-LLaMa - 4 bits quantization of LLaMa using GPTQ

SillyTavern - LLM Frontend for Power Users.

lollms-webui - Lord of Large Language Models Web User Interface

alpaca_eval - An automatic evaluator for instruction-following language models. Human-validated, high-quality, cheap, and fast.

Nuggt - An Autonomous LLM Agent that runs on Wizcoder-15B

can-ai-code - Self-evaluating interview for AI coders

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